Our Services
College & Career Readiness
Helping Historically Vulnerable and Underrepresented Individuals Find Paths to Purpose in Life

Our goals are designed to help individuals practice empathy, build self-awareness, and work intentionally to utilize the brilliance that every team member brings to the table.

We offer qualitative research, survey design, and explore environmental culture, policies, and practices to assess leadership potential.
Wrap Around Services
Our program is designed to empower people to overcome obstacles and achieve independence.
Our Approach to Training and Learning Development

Global Empathy Training Academy (GETA) delivers customized training around the most difficult challenges that organizations face in organizational culture. Our main goal is to provide training to strengthen cultural competencies through empathy. We build curricula that draw from a plethora of scholarly research and expert practitioners to address sensitive topics of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. GETA is approved by American Psychological Association (APA) to provide continuing education for licensed professionals. Global Empathy Training Academy maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Our courses are peer-reviewed and vetted through the rigorous standards and criteria of APA.
Methodology Approach

GETA capabilities can help build a culture of inclusive leaders by addressing the underlying issues that prevent people from thriving at work and in society. Our professional service capabilities are across various sectors, including research. To help improve the performance of your people, teams, and organization GETA is a licensed administrator for Myers-Briggs assessments including the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®, CPI 260®, Strong Interest Inventory®, Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument™, and FIRO®, the world’s most trusted personality, communication, career planning and conflict assessments, and tools. Additionally, GETA is an approved certified sponsor for continuing education courses through the American Psychological Association (APA). APA is the leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States. Our continuing education curricula are vetted using their rigorous standards.
During research, we employ a qualitative design, with a phenomenological methodology, in consultation with clients. Qualitative research will gather, analyze, and interpret information from individuals or groups. A phenomenological methodology allows us to gain an understanding and construct the meaning of information. We guide our actions from a constructivist and transformative philosophical worldview. Through constructivism, we seek understanding from multiple participants and look at the complexity of opinions. Through a transformative lens, we decipher information that is intersectional with oppressive policies, and practices, and causing harm to humanity. This approach gives participants a voice, raises consciousness, and/or advances an agenda for leadership development. We interpret the essence of these experiences to gain new knowledge, and findings and offer suggestions to strengthen training modules, policies, and practice.